Things to Know - Revaluation & Retaking Your PTE Exam

Revaluation and Retaking Your PTE Exam - Things to Know


Pearson Test of English, or PTE Academic, is a fully computerized system that tests a non-native English-speaking candidate's reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English language. Your PTE Academic score is globally accepted by governments, universities and educational institutions, and is an important part of fulfilling your visa application process. However, if you are not satisfied with your PTE exam score, you can apply for reviewing and retaking.

Unlike other English proficiency tests like IELTS, which are generally paper-based examinations, PTE Academic is completely managed and marked by a computer. Therefore, the chances of redundancies or errors are unlikely. But certain sections of the test like those that include open ended written answers or spoken responses can be sent for reviewing the inconsistencies, if any. However, since a human examiner is not involved in the exam, reviews do not make a sense because everything is being judged by a computer, and there is hardly any scope for errors or discrepancies.

Nevertheless, you can retake the test again if you are disappointed with your score. In fact, Pearson test booking can be done as many times as you want if you wish to retake the exam, though you must wait until you receive your score from one test before doing another PTE booking. Educational institutions will be unable to see your score unless you send it to them. This means that institutions will not be able to check if your score is better or worse than previous tests.

Requesting a Rescore

If you are not happy with your PTE exam score, you may request for a review or rescore. But before doing this, they should know the following:

  • PTE Academic is a computer-based testing system so rescoring will also be done automatically.
  • Therefore, the chances are unlikely that your overall score will change.
  • Only open-ended written answers and spoken responses can be reviewed and rescored.
  • If the score changes, your previous score will be automatically replaced with the new one. 

Important Things to Know

If you are planning to review or retake your PTE Academic exam, here are some things to know:

  • You must apply for a rescore within 14 calendar days of receiving the initial score.
  • The PTE ‘Spoken’ section and “Writing’ section with open-ended written questions are two areas where students can improve their knowledge to score better when they retake PTE exam.
  • If you have failed in the first attempt of PTE Academic, it is essential that you seek coaching from reputable institutions.
  • Rigorous practice in English speaking and writing skills can improve your chances to score better when you retake PTE Academic test.
  • In case of any change in score, the rescore fees will be fully refunded.
  • You cannot apply for a rescore once you have send the scores to institutions or after re-applying for a test.
  • Reviewing your score would cost half of another PTE test booking cost. If you spend little more, you can retake the test and have a better chance of getting a high score than the recent one.
  • When you apply for rescore, you are not assured whether your score will change at all, and if it does, it may also be lower than your recent score. 


Considering the above information, it is obvious that a smart student will only choose to retake PTE exam if he or she is not satisfied with the score. Reviewing is like a lottery, which can be very expensive.

For any specific PTE related doubts or queries, you can post the same on our international student forum.


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